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2015年11月6日 星期五

西概Note week8


The wife and one of three sisters of Zeus in the Olympian pantheon of Greek mythology and religion. Her chief function was as the goddess of women and marriage. Her counterpart in the religion of ancient Rome was Juno. The cow, lion and the peacock were considered sacred to her. 

Pygmalion the creator fall in love with his / her work (play)

Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw, named after a Greek mythological character. In ancient Greek mythology, Pygmalion fell in love with one of his sculptures, which then came to life. The general idea of that myth was a popular subject for Victorian era English playwrights, including one of Shaw's influences, W. S. Gilbert, who wrote a successful play based on the story called Pygmalion and Galatea first presented in 1871. Shaw would also have been familiar with the burlesque version, Galatea, or Pygmalion Reversed. Shaw's play has been adapted numerous times, most notably as the musical My Fair Lady and the film of that name.

Galatea (mythology)

is a name popularly applied to the statue carved of ivory by Pygmalion of Cyprus, which then came to life, in Greek mythology; in modern English the name usually alludes to that story. Galatea is also the name of Polyphemus's object.

My fair lady

A misogynistic and snobbish phonetics professor agrees to a wager that he can take a flower girl and make her presentable in high society.

  • vanity fair (a magazine)

  • vanity vanity all is vanity 

  • Bicentennial Man (film)

Bicentennial Man is a 1999 American science fiction comedy-drama film.

Based on the novel The Positronic Man, co-written by Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg, which is itself based on Asimov's original novella titled The Bicentennial Man, the plot explores issues of humanity, slavery, prejudice, maturity, intellectual freedom, conformity, sex, love, and mortality.

Bi- two
1.          Bicentennial man
2.          bicycle

延伸 :比馬龍效應

  • Pygmalion effect
A better future higher expectations, they will show the phenomenon. . Pygmalion is a self-fulfilling prophecy development. In this view, the heart often with negative expectations of the people will fail; but the heart often with positive expectations of the people will succeed. In sociology, this effect is often cited and education or social class related.

  • Paraphrase

A restatement of the meaning of a text or passage using other words. The term itself is derived via Latin paraphrasis from Greek παράφρασις, meaning "additional manner of expression". The act of paraphrasing is also called "paraphrasis".A paraphrase typically explains or clarifies the text that is being paraphrased. A paraphrase does not need to accompany a direct quotation, the paraphrase typically serves to put the source's statement into perspective or to clarify the context in which it appeared. A paraphrase is typically more detailed than a summary. One should add the source at the end of the sentence

l   Duty a legal or moral obligation
For exampleHe has a duty under the terms of his contract to pay rent.
1.          be someone’s duty to do something: It is your duty as a parent to protect your children.
2.          owe/have a duty to someone: The company has a duty to its shareholders.
3.          sense of duty: He has a strong sense of family duty.
4.          do your duty: I was simply doing my duty as a good citizen.
l   Responsibility the state or job of being in charge of someone or something and of making sure that what they do or what happens to them is right or satisfactory
For exampleShe has a lot of responsibility as a nurse.
1.          responsibility for: Overall responsibility for the school lies with the head teacher.
2.          have responsibility for (doing) something: You will have responsibility for sales and marketing.
3.          take responsibility for (doing) something: Would someone take responsibility for bringing Paul home?
4.          assume responsibility for (doing) something: Serrano immediately assumed temporary responsibility for foreign affairs.
5.          a position of responsibility: People in positions of responsibility cannot behave like this.
l   Obligation something that you must do for legal or moral reasons
1.          have an obligation to someone/something: The firm has an obligation to its customers.
2.          obligation to do something: Buyers have no legal obligation to disclose personal financial information.
3.          meet/honour/fulfil an obligation: The council has failed to fullfil its statutory obligation to the public.
4.          without (any) obligation: Estimates are available on request, without obligation.

ü  Obligations 債務
ü  Duty free duty-free goods are cheaper than the usual price because you do not pay any tax on them.

  • Syllable
voc- ; vok to call
1.          vocal relating to the voice, or done with the voice
2.          invoke to ask for help from someone who is stronger or more powerful, especially a god.
                     For example:Prayers invoking divine protection.

dic- to say; to tell a word
1.          dictator → someone who tells people what to do and refuses to listen to their opinions 
2.          dictionary to tell the words meaning

man- hand
  1. manipulation influences someone or controls something in a clever or dishonest way
  2. manuscript a writer’s original pages of a book, article, or document before it is published
  3. manual a book containing instructions for doing something, especially for operating a machine
Pro- many; much; in favor of
  1. propaganda information, especially false information, that a government or organization spreads in order to influence people’s opinions and beliefs
  2. protagonist  the main character in a play, film, book, or story

Patron someone who supports the work of writers, artists, musicians etc, especially by giving them money(主寶神)
St. Christophen (the patron god of travel)
Patron saint

Patronage (n.) (v.) help or money that is given to a person or organization

(主顧關係) (政治酬庸)

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