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2015年10月29日 星期四

英文字彙與字源Note week6

  • TB: tuberculosis (肺結核) → a serious infectious disease affecting your lungs
  • epidemics (流行病; 傳染病) → a situation in which a disease spreads very quickly and infects many people. For example: a flu epidemic

over- many; much
overcrowding → unpleasant conditions caused by too many people or things being in the same place
equal: A + B equals to C
equator (赤道) → an imaginary line that goes round the Earth and divides it into the northern and southern hemispheres

-eum; -ium: 框起來的範圍
l   有形的範圍:
1.          museum → a building where many valuable and important objects are kept so that people can go and see them
2.          aquarium → a glass or plastic container that fish and other water animals are kept in. (水族館)
(aquar- water)
3.          stadium → a large building, usually without a roof, where people watch sports events such as football matches or races
       For example: a baseball/football stadium
4.          Colosseum羅馬競技場
5.          auditorium (禮堂)

audi- to listen
1.          auditoriuma large room or building used for meetings, lectures, or public performances
2.          audience vs spectator
audience is a group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a film, performance, speech etc. Audience can be followed by a singular or plural verb
spectator someone who watches a public activity or event, especially a sports event.
l   無形的範圍:
1.          Millennium → a period of 1,000 years (M=1000)
2.          equilibrium → a situation in which there is a balance between different forces or aspects. (均衡; 平均)

de- down; away from
depreciate←→ appreciate
depreciate to become less valuable than before

ad- to; toward (往前走一步)
advocate to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things
adore to love someone very much
advantage something that makes one person or thing more likely to succeed than others

instruc- to teach
instructor someone whose job is to teach a skill or a sport

sendent- to sit
sendentary involving much sitting

ten- to hold
tenet a principle (主要的; 首要的)

tem- time
temporal relating to time
contemporary modern, or relating to the present time
                                contemporary art/music/literature/dance
                                contemporary urban society
temporary existing, done, or used for only a limited period of time

delegate vs relegate
delegate someone who is chosen to represent a group of other people at a meeting
relegate to move someone or something to a less important position

Hershey chocolate


     I am bored because you are boring.

2015年10月28日 星期三

西概Note week6

Ø  Siren
In Greek mythology, the Sirens were dangerous yet beautiful creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. Roman poets placed them on some small islands called Sirenum scopuli. In some later, rationalised traditions, the literal geography of the "flowery" island of Anthemoessa, or Anthemusa, is fixed: sometimes on Cape Pelorum and at others in the islands known as the Sirenuse, near Paestum, or in Capreae. All such locations were surrounded by cliffs and rocks.

When the Sirens were given a name of their own, they were considered the daughters of the river god Achelous, fathered upon Terpsichore, Melpomene, Sterope, or Chthon (the Earth). In Euripides' play, Helen (167), Helen in her anguish calls upon "Winged maidens, daughters of the Earth"). Although they lured mariners, the Greeks portrayed the Sirens in their "meadow starred with flowers" and not as sea deities. Roman writers linked the Sirens more closely to the sea, as daughters of Phorcys. Sirens are found in many Greek stories, notably in Homer's 

Ø  Penelope
In Homer's Odyssey, Penelope is the faithful wife of Odysseus, who keeps her suitors at bay in his long absence and is eventually reunited with him.

Her name has traditionally been associated with marital faithfulness, and so it was with the Greeks and Romans, but some recent feminist readings offer a more ambiguous interpretation.

Ø  Odyssey
The poem mainly focuses on the Greek hero Odysseus (known as Ulysses in Roman myths) and his journey home after the fall of Troy. It takes Odysseus ten years to reach Ithaca after the ten-year Trojan War. In his absence, it is assumed he has died, and his wife Penelope and son Telemachus must deal with a group of unruly suitors, the Mnesteresor Proci, who compete for Penelope's hand in marriage.

Ø  Electra
In Greek mythology, Electra was the daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra, and thus princess of Argos. She and her brother Orestes plotted revenge against their mother Clytemnestra and stepfather Aegisthus for the murder of their father, Agamemnon.

Electra is one of the most popular mythological characters in tragedies. She is the main character in two Greek tragedies, Electra by Sophocles and Electra by Euripides. She is also the central figure in plays by Aeschylus, Alfieri, Voltaire, Hofmannsthal, and Eugene O'Neill.
In psychology, the Electra complex is named after her.

Ø  Oedipus
Oedipus ( Ancient Greek: meaning "swollen foot") was a mythical Greek king of Thebes, the son and killer of Laius, son and consort of Jocasta, and father and sibling of Polynices, Eteocles, Antigone, and Ismene. A tragic hero in Greek mythology, Oedipus accidentally fulfilled the prophecy, despite his efforts not to, that he would end up killing his father and marrying his mother, thereby bringing disaster to his city and family. When the truth was discovered, his wife-mother hanged herself, and Oedipus gouged out his own eyes.

l  Clavin and hobbes

2015年10月22日 星期四

英文字彙與字源Note week5

Ø  Over : many, much
Overcrowding unpleasant conditions caused by too many people or things being in the same place

Ø   enormous (out of number)

Ø   illicit child 私生子

Ø  tri- : three
1.          triplet a baby that is born at the same time as two other babies to the same mother (三胞胎)
2.          triangle a flat shape that has three straight sides and three angles

Ø  bi- : two
1.          bilingual someone who is bilingual is able to speak two languages extremely well (雙語的)
2.          bicycle a vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing pedals with your feet.

Ø  pre- : befor
1.          predispose to make someone likely to think, feel, or behave in a particular way
2.          prepare to make something ready for use

Ø  pro- : many much in favor of
1.          prolific a prolific writer, band etc produces a lot of books, CDs etc
2.          protagonist the main character in a play, film, book, or story
3.          proponent someone who publicly supports an idea, policy, plan etc

Ø  ob- : against, toward
obstacle a difficulty or problem that prevents you from achieving something

Ø  re- : again
1.          reprehensible very bad and deserving to be criticized
2.          reprehend (責罵)
3.          repeat to say or write something again
4.          request an act of asking for something in a polite or formal way

Ø  spec : to look
1.          inspector to look at something carefully in order to check that it is correct or good enough
2.          spectator someone who watches a public activity or event, especially a sports event
3.          perspective a way of thinking about something

filthy = dirty 

2015年10月21日 星期三

西概Note week5

Ø  Fate the things that happen to someone, especially unpleasant things
Ø  Fatal causing someone to die
For exampleFatal women

Ø   Destination the place where someone or something is going
For exampleYou are my destination.

Ø  Hubris
Hubris means, in a modern context, extreme pride or self-confidence; in its ancient Greek context, it typically describes violent and excessive behavior rather than an attitude. When it offends the gods of ancient Greece, it is usually punished. The adjectival form of the noun hubris is "hubristic".

Ø   Eris goddess of discord
Eris is the Greek goddess of chaos, strife, and discord. Her name is the equivalent of Latin Discordia, which means "discord". Eris' Greek opposite is Harmonia, whose Latin counterpart is Concordia. Homer equated her with the war-goddess Enyo, whose Roman counterpart is Bellona. The dwarf planet Eris is named after the goddess, as is the religion Discordianism.

Ø   Iris goddess of rainbow
In Greek mythology, Iris is the personification of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. She is also known as one of the goddesses of the sea and the sky. Iris links the gods to humanity. She travels with the speed of wind from one end of the world to the other, and into the depths of the sea and the underworld.

  • vocabulary

Ø   Dic-to say to tell word
1.          Dictionary a reference resource which provides information about words and their meanings, uses, and pronunciations.
2.          Predict to say what you think will happen in the future
3.          Dictator someone who uses force to take and keep power in a country

Ø   Para-beside
1.          Paradoxical strange because of being the opposite of what you expect
2.          Paragraph a section of a piece of writing that begins on a new line and contains one or more sentences
3.          Parachute a large piece of cloth joined to heavy strings, used by someone jumping out of a plane
4.          Parallel lines that are parallel are the same distance apart at every point along their whole length

2015年10月15日 星期四

英文字彙與字源 Note week4

Ø  -itisInflammation (發炎)
1.          Gastritis an illness in which the inner layer of your stomach swells and becomes painful
2.          Bronchitis (支氣管炎) an illness affecting your bronchial tubes in which you cough and find breathing difficult
3.          Arthritis a medical condition affecting your joints  (=the place where two bones meet) making them very swollen and painful

Ø  Ante-; anti : before
Anteroom a small room that leads to a larger and more important room (等候室)

Ø  Chron; chrono- : time
1.          Chronic A serious illness or pain that lasts only for a short time is described as acute
2.          Chronological arranged or described in the order in which events happened

Ø  -cide: kill
1.          Suicide the action of deliberately killing yourself
2.          Pesticide a chemical used for killing insects, especially those that damage crops

Ø  De- : away from, down
1.          Derailed to make a train come off its rails
2.          Deodorize  (除臭) to get rid of odor, especially unpleasant odor

Ø  e- : out
1.          Eject  to make someone leave a place, especially using physical force
2.          Eliminate to get rid of something that is not wanted or needed

3.          Evacuate  to leave a building or other place because it is not safe

Ø  ject : throw; out of
1.          eject
2.          projector a piece of equipment used for showing films or slides on a screen

Ø  vit; viv : life
1.          vitamin natural substances found in food that are necessary to keep your body healthy.
2.          vitality (有活力的) energy, or enthusiasm
3.          survive to stay alive despite an injury, illness, war etc

  • -ly(副詞的形式出現但是詞性卻是 adjective)

1.          Lovely
2.          elderly
3.          deadly
4.          friendly

Ø   Fatal (a.) causing someone to die致命的
Ø  Fatal fatale
A femme fatale is a stock character of a mysterious and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations