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2015年10月8日 星期四

英文字彙與字源Note week3

  • vocabulary
Ø   Cap- head 

1.          Caption words printed near or on a picture that explain something about the picture
2.          Capital the city where a country or region has its government

3.          Capitol the building in the main city of each US state where government officials meet to make state laws

Dis-not, apart
Discretion good sense

1.果醬 2. sb暱稱

De-down, away from
1.          Despondent very unhappy because you do not believe that an unpleasant situation will improve
2.          Depressed you feel very unhappy because of a difficult or unpleasant situation that you feel you cannot change

Estrange (V) Drive away, get rid of

被罵的程度:Berate scold blame

Sub-under ()
1.          Subsidized to pay some of the cost of goods or services so that they can be sold to other people at a lower price
2.          Subway a tunnel that people can walk through to go under a street 
  • video (how to learn any language in six months)

five principle

  • first

  • second:use your landuage
  • third:understand the message
  • forth:physical training
  • last:state

seven steps

  1. listen a lot
  2. focus
  3. start mixing
  4. focus on the core
  5. the tool box (for example→ simple communication, clue words, get a language partner)
  6. copy the face
  7. direct connect

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