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2015年10月22日 星期四

英文字彙與字源Note week5

Ø  Over : many, much
Overcrowding unpleasant conditions caused by too many people or things being in the same place

Ø   enormous (out of number)

Ø   illicit child 私生子

Ø  tri- : three
1.          triplet a baby that is born at the same time as two other babies to the same mother (三胞胎)
2.          triangle a flat shape that has three straight sides and three angles

Ø  bi- : two
1.          bilingual someone who is bilingual is able to speak two languages extremely well (雙語的)
2.          bicycle a vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing pedals with your feet.

Ø  pre- : befor
1.          predispose to make someone likely to think, feel, or behave in a particular way
2.          prepare to make something ready for use

Ø  pro- : many much in favor of
1.          prolific a prolific writer, band etc produces a lot of books, CDs etc
2.          protagonist the main character in a play, film, book, or story
3.          proponent someone who publicly supports an idea, policy, plan etc

Ø  ob- : against, toward
obstacle a difficulty or problem that prevents you from achieving something

Ø  re- : again
1.          reprehensible very bad and deserving to be criticized
2.          reprehend (責罵)
3.          repeat to say or write something again
4.          request an act of asking for something in a polite or formal way

Ø  spec : to look
1.          inspector to look at something carefully in order to check that it is correct or good enough
2.          spectator someone who watches a public activity or event, especially a sports event
3.          perspective a way of thinking about something

filthy = dirty 

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