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2015年12月31日 星期四

英文字彙與字源Note week15

Ø  Fore- : before
1.          Forehead
2.          Foreshade

Ø  In- : in, inside
1.          Insidious something that is insidious is dangerous because it seems to be harmless or not important but in fact causes harm or damage
2.          Insinuate to say something unpleasant in an indirect way
3.          Interrogate to ask someone, for example a prisoner or criminal, a lot of questions in an angry or threatening way, in order to get information

Ø  Miranda statement right 緘默權
The Miranda warning, which can also be referred to as the Miranda rights, is a right to silence warning given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial interrogation) before they are interrogated to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings.

Ø   Suspect (N) 嫌疑犯 : to believe that something is true, especially something bad

Ø  Obs- : toward, against
Obsequious : too keen to please someone, in a way that does not seem sincere

Ø  Com- : with together

Complement to combine well with something, often something that has different qualities

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